Senin, 27 Juni 2011

West Texas Drought Conditions

Midland College is dedicated to conserving water and complying with City of Midland water regulations. In an effort to do so, we realize that our beautiful campus consisting of over 200 acres may suffer from current drought conditions. Our main goal is to save the trees which have been planted over the past 39 years, many in honor and in memory of West Texas leaders and loved ones. We are seeking the community’s assistance in helping us ensure that we are getting the most from our irrigation efforts. Please report any Midland College campus irrigation concerns to Grounds Superintendent Terry Kirkland, (432) 685-5534, or

Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

Midland College announces new head basketball coach

Chris Craig, Head Coach,
MC Chaparral Men's Basketball
Chris Craig was introduced as MC’s new men's basketball head coach at the Midland College Board of Trustees meeting on Tuesday, June 21, at 4:00 p.m. in the Gibson Board Room of the Pevehouse Administration Building on the MC Campus.

Craig has served as the assistant coach/recruiting coordinator for the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley, CO, from 2010-2011.  Prior to that, he served as assistant coach and later head coach for the College of Eastern Utah in Price, UT.  During Craig’s coaching tenure, he led Eastern Utah to a Region 18 title and third place in the NJCAA Tournament in Hutchinson Kansas. He also signed 12 eventual Division I recruits at Eastern Utah. This past year, he helped Northern Colorado reach a Big Sky title and an NCAA Tournament berth.

Craig played basketball for Arizona Western College from 1999-2002 during their back-to-back ACCAC championships.  From 2002-2004, he played on the University of Texas at El Paso WAC championship team for current Texas Tech Coach Billy Gillespie.  He holds a national cup championship with the Tralee Tigers in Ireland’s top professional league and the Licomeba Championship with the Chihuahua Dorados in Mexico’s professional league.

Craig states, “I was already fairly familiar with Midland College, but the more I found out about MC and its basketball program, the more I knew that it was somewhere I could see myself and my family for a long time.  I am honored and excited to lead the Chaps basketball team.”

The Chaps hold an all-time program record of 886-295 (.750).

A Win-Win-Win Situation for Students, Your College and Your Community

I've just finished some changes to the list of agencies approved for community service credit in the Midland's Legacy Scholarship Program at MC. I updated the current listing for Midland Rape Crisis Center & Children's Advocacy Center, and added two new agencies to the list - Family Promise of Midland, and the I-20 Nature Preserve.

IMHO, there are few examples that better illustrate Midland's community spirit, than the Midland's Legacy Scholarship Program at MC. The program is a collaborative funding partnership between the Abell-Hanger Foundation, the Helen Greathouse Charitable Trust, and the Chaparral Foundation that creates educational opportunities at Midland College for high school graduates in Midland County. A key eligibility requirement for the Legacy Scholarship includes the students' performance of forty (40) hours of community service per academic year at an approved Legacy Volunteer Service Agency ... take a look at this list of approved agencies ... it's impressive.

As I said in the title for this post, this really is a win-win-win situation for all involved. Midland County high school grads can earn the tuition they need to enter college, MC benefits by having a campus full of young people who not only acquire a first-rate education, but also a first-hand experience with community services. And non-profit agencies throughout the community have benefited from thousands of hours of volunteer service.

Summer is a GREAT time for current high school students in Midland County to start building their community service credits. For more information on the Midland's legacy Scholarship Program at MC, please contact Julia Vickery at (432) 685-4704 or

Senin, 20 Juni 2011

Let's Do Breakfast: Update

By Betsy Fredericks, Associate Director
Midland College Business and Economic Development Center (BEDC)

"As you know, beginning July 1, 2011 all Midland businesses and residents MUST comply with a mandatory outdoor watering program which is outlined in the Drought Contingency Plan, Stage 2. Residents and businesses may only water outdoors two times per week. Outdoor watering is based on residents' physical address. Addresses ending in even numbers may only water on Saturday beginning at 6 p.m. through Sunday at 10 a.m. and then again on Tuesday beginning at 6 p.m. through Wednesday at 10 a.m. Addresses ending in odd numbers may only water on Sunday beginning at 6 p.m. through Monday at 10 a.m. and then again on Wednesday beginning at 6 p.m. through Thursday at 10 a.m."

"'The Future of Midland Water; How Will it Affect My Business and Me?'  will be the topic of the Networking Breakfast to be held in the Carrasco Room tomorrow [Tuesday] morning at 7:30. Johnny Womack, Superintendent of the City of Midland Water Pollution Control Plant & Effluent Farm Division will be our guest speaker. The cost of the breakfast is $5 at the door and the public is invited. All attendees will receive a free water conservation kit, compliments of the BEDC and our HSIAC grant partners Keep Midland Beautiful and Suddenlink."

"If you are interested in water conservation but are not available for the meeting, please stop by the Carrasco Room at 9 a.m. tomorrow [Tuesday] for a free water conservation kit, compliments of the BEDC and our HSIAC grant partners Keep Midland Beautiful and Suddenlink."
Midland College BEDC
201 W. Florida
Midland, Texas 79701
Phone: (432) 684-4309
Fax: (432) 684-4821
e-mail address:

Coming This Spring to Your College

Host of Fareed Zakaria GPS on CNN, Editor-at-Large at TIME, and a regular columnist for The Washington Post, Fareed Zakaria is widely respected for his ability to spot economic and political trends around the world. Esquire magazine described him as "the most influential foreign policy adviser of his generation."

Midland College, and the Davidson Distinguished Lecture Series present
Dr. Fareed Zakaria

Foreign policy adviser, columnist and television host
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
7:00 p.m.
Al G. Langford Chaparral Center

Admission is FREE, but tickets are required for entry. Tickets will become available later, as the event draws closer.

His columns and cover stories — on subjects ranging from globalization and emerging markets to the Middle East and America's role in the world — reach millions of readers weekly. Before joining TIME, Dr. Zakaria was editor of Newsweek International, overseeing all of the magazine's editions abroad from 2000 - 2010. His weekly international news program, Fareed Zakaria GPS, airs worldwide and has become a destination for viewers seeking smart analysis and civil conversation about the big ideas and global challenges of our time.

His international bestseller, The Post-American World, is about the "rise of the rest" — the growth of China, India, Brazil and many other countries — and what it means for the future. "Zakaria ... may have more intellectual range and insights than any other public thinker in the West," said the Boston Sunday Globe. In a fully revised and updated edition, The Post-American World: Release 2.0 (May 2011), Zakaria reviews the shifts of power he originally identified, marvels at how quickly they have occurred, and discusses the vast political and economic implications. His previous New York Times bestseller, The Future of Freedom, has been translated into 20 languages and was called "a work of tremendous originality and insight" by The Washington Post.

Born in India and educated at Yale and Harvard, Zakaria has served as an analyst for ABC News, a roundtable member on This Week with George Stephanopoulos, and host of Foreign Exchange on PBS. At age 28, he became the youngest managing editor in the history of Foreign Affairs.

One of Jon Stewart's favorite guests on The Daily Show, Zakaria has appeared on Charlie Rose, The NewsHour and BBC World News and has written for such publications as The New Yorker and The New York Times. His numerous honors include the Overseas Press Club Award and the Deadline Club Award for Best Columnist.

In May 1996, Steve Davidson and Susan Davidson McClenahan of the Davidson Family Charitable Foundation announced the endowment of the Davidson Distinguished Lecture Series.Twice a year, the Davidson Distinguished Lecture Series, Midland College Foundation, Friends of the Series and Bank of America present speakers whose civic leadership, academic accomplishments and/or public achievements interest, enrich, and enlighten Midland students and citizens.