Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

"New Year Resolutions" for College Students ...#5, Do Not Lose Yourself for Anyone

Emily Bennington
The Huffington Post
"A few weeks ago, I hosted a presentation at my alma mater," author Emily Bennington wites in this article at The Huffington Post weblog. "It was the first time I had set foot on campus in nearly a decade and, frankly, I found the whole experience a bit surreal. Now, with the perspective of ten years away from college life, the trip inspired me to think about all the things I really wish I could have told myself back then. Here it goes ..."

"5. Do Not Lose Yourself for Anyone - In my journals from college, I should have written more about the courses I was taking and less about the boy I was chasing. I definitely lost a ton of time -- not to mention looked ridiculous -- trying to alter things that were simply outside my control. If your mental magnet wants to be with you, is single (!), and is willing to make a commitment, great. If not, respect yourself enough to m-o-v-e o-n. Life - and college in particular - is too short."

CLICK HERE to read the rest of Bennington's "Eleven Resolutions for Every College Student This Year"

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