Rabu, 04 Mei 2011

YOUR College, YOUR Community ... the view from the front lines

In a demonstration of support for Midland College and to show the importance of the repercussions of the 82nd Legislative Session’s impact on higher education, MC faculty, staff and students will rally on the steps of the Murray Fasken Learning Resource Center (FLRC) at 10:30 a.m. on Wednesday, May 4. The current Texas House and Senate bills will result in a reduction for MC between $5.4 million and $7 million for the 2011-2013 biennium.

From Michael Dixon, Professor of Mathematics, and MC Faculty Senate President-Elect ... "I just wanted to encourage everyone to attend the Rally being sponsored by the Midland College Faculty Senate [today] from 10:30AM to 11:30AM. The purpose of the rally is to express our concern about the budget cuts that Midland College is facing for the next biennium. The more people that attend the better. We are facing a huge crisis and the only possible way we can get through it, is together. Moreover, we want to send a message to Austin that we are not quietly accepting these or future cuts without a fight."

From Damon Kennedy, Associate Professor of History and MC Faculty Senate President, states, “I would like to make a personal appeal for you to attend the rally, which will be 10:30-11:30 on Wednesday, 04 May, 2011, in front of the LRC. The timing is not perfect - I know. But the window of opportunity is narrow, so it is now or never. As the new Faculty Senate President, I am learning a number of important and sometimes alarming things. Support the efforts of Dr. Thomas and many other people and organizations who work diligently on our behalf.”

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