Kamis, 22 September 2011

Onstage at MC: High school orchestras to perform with internationally-acclaimed group

On Thursday evening, October 20, at 7:00 p.m., the Phyllis & Bob Cowan Performing Arts Series at Midland College will feature a visual and aural fusion of music, dance, theatre and song! The internationally renowned group Barrage performs contemporary world music with layered vocal arrangements and pulsating modern beats and rhythms. The young hip cast delivers the show with amazing energy and musical virtuosity. A special feature of the Midland performance will be the addition of two numbers — "Mountain Spring" and "Kumpania" — performed with orchestra students from Midland High School and Robert E. Lee High School.
Since its creation in Calgary, Canada, Barrage has been featured many times at events worldwide having played for many Presidents, Prime Ministers and Princes. Barrage has also had their television productions aired on several international TV networks including the PBS network in the United States, the BBC in the United Kingdom and CBC in Canada. The group has performed live shows throughout the world, and now Midlanders have an opportunity to view this amazing production.

Barrage was formed in 1996 by a group of five young performers and event managers who believed that artistic expressions can motivate, educate, cross cultural boundaries and still be fun. Their idealism and sheer hard-headed determination has kept their creative and entrepreneurial juices flowing through the years.

The group labels itself as a contemporary string ensemble composed of five violin players, one drum kit player, one guitar player and one bass player. The resulting performance is an impressive array of multi-instrumental and dancing talents. The performers are chosen during intensive audition calls that occur around the world. New performers must train for several months before they are able to step onto the stage as full members of the touring cast. Following a recent Barrage show in Los Angeles, the LA Daily News reported, “After an evening of performing jigs on rocket fuel, it’s no wonder that more than a few horsehairs snapped on their bows”

The Midland performance begins at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 20, in the Al G. Langford Chaparral Center on the MC campus. To obtain FREE tickets, visit www.midlandcollegefoundation.org or contact the Midland College Foundation at (432) 685-4526.

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