There's a neat story in the Midland Reporter-Telegram about an exhibit coming later this spring to MC's McCormick Gallery. It will also be a tribute to Dr. Stan Jacobs, MC's Vice President of instruction, who will retire in August after 41 years at Midland College. It's something YOU could be a part of of ... find out how in the MRT article, linked below.
MC opens call for caricatures
By Meredith Moriak
Midland Reporter-Telegram
\When Stan Jacobs was asked to draw a caricature his freshman year of college, he wasn't quite sure what his professor was asking of him.
"He needed someone for a junior high carnival and I guess thought highly of me, so he told me I needed to go," said Jacobs, who serves as Midland College's vice president of Instruction. "I didn't even know what a caricature was, but he said I just needed to look at someone's features and exaggerate them."
And exaggerating people's features is something Jacobs has done ever since, estimating he's drawn more than 10,000 caricatures during the last 45 years in more than 35 countries.
CLICK HERE to read the rest of this story
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