Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

MC partners with Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce for "Café y Pan Dulce"

Midland College and Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce present "Café y Pan Dulce" Wednesday, March 28, 8:00 a.m., Midland College/Scharbauer Student Center/Carrasco Room

Enjoy coffee and pastries while learning about Midland College’s community outreach event, “See MC/Sí, MC”

Wednesday, March 28, the public is invited to enjoy breakfast at Midland College (MC), compliments of the Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (MHCC). Café y Pan Dulce is a monthly networking event sponsored by the MHCC. Rachel Stone, MHCC president/CEO states, “The main purpose of the Café y Pan Dulce events is to bring attention to our members. It gives them an opportunity to highlight their business to other members.”

Wednesday’s event will highlight MC’s community outreach event that will be held on Saturday, April 21, entitled “See MC/Sí, MC.” MC President Dr. Steve Thomas explains, “’See MC/Sí, MC’ is a major outreach effort for Midland College to recruit first-generation-to-college students. We are inviting the entire community to visit the campus on that day to find out more about college admissions, MC programs, financial aid and college life. In addition to departmental booths, campus tours and higher education information sessions, we will have children’s activities, live entertainment and free food. The Midland Hispanic Chamber of Commerce has been a wonderful partner in helping us plan the event and in supporting our efforts to recruit first-generation-to-college students. We are very appreciative of their efforts to help bring awareness to the business community through the Café y Pan Dulce event.”

At the Wednesday morning session, businesses and local news media will get an opportunity to preview the event and interview event organizers.

For more information, please contact Rebecca Bell, MC dean of community relations and special events, (432) 685-4556,

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