Kamis, 03 Mei 2012

MC celebrates art — the art of words and the visual arts!

By Rebecca BellDean of Community Relations and Special Events

Over 70 students entered the 24th Annual Hilda Simmons Levitt Poetry Contest, and on April 26, four of those students were presented with monetary awards ranging from $100 to $600 for their “art” of words.

When MC Dean of Arts and Sciences William Feeler welcomed attendees to the poetry awards he said, “The Hilda Simmons Levitt Poetry Contest is one of the most prestigious in the state. Thanks to the generosity of the Levitt family, the dollar amounts of the contest awards are among the largest of any poetry contest in the nation.” Hilda Simmons Levitt studied creative writing at Midland College in the late 1970s and early 1980s. The contest was established in 1988 by her husband Stanley to honor his wife’s memory, her love of poetry and her love of Midland College. Today, the contest is underwritten by the Levitts’ daughter Carol Schwartz.

Hilda Simmons Levitt Poetry Contest winners were presented with plaques and monetary awards.  Pictured from left to right are fourth place winner Sarah Machuca, second place winner Jené Brown, contest judge Amy Fleury, MC English Instructor and contest coordinator Brendan Egan, first place winner Corey Wood and third place winner Chantell Ramirez
Following the awards presentation and poetry reading by contest judge Amy Fleury, the MC Community Relations Office hosted the opening reception of the annual Spring Student Art Show. Phenomenal pieces of art — ceramics, watercolors, oils, mixed media, digital photography, and others — were proudly displayed on the walls of McCormick Gallery. Former MC Art Instructor and retiring Associate Vice President of Instruction Dr. Stan Jacobs said, “I can safely say that our art program at MC is in good hands and promises a bright future for our students.”
MC student Gwen Hutson stands beside her portrait of James Dean, representative
of “Giant,” the movie Dean was working on at the time of his death.

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