Senin, 30 Juli 2012

MC students guide Midland youth “Inside the Human Body”

By Rebecca Bell
Dean of Community Relations & Special Events

“Midland College Biology Professor Dr. Paul Mangum never tires when it comes to teaching young people all about science. On Friday, July 20, Mangum and a group of eight MC science students volunteered to give Midland youth a tour “Inside the Human Body.” The morning class held at the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum was part of the museum’s summer enrichment program for children.

Using computers, Dr. Mangum and his MC students guided the elementary- and junior high-aged students through different aspects of human physiology. Learning stations included heart rate and exercise, breathing monitor, hand and finger grip test and muscle function analysis. The college students even assisted the children with DNA testing!

Christian Bell, age 10, was a participant in the program and said, “This was one of the best days I’ve had this summer. My favorite part was the DNA testing. I want to be a doctor, so this was really awesome!”

MC students helping Dr. Mangum during the day were Suzanne Agnew, Tevin Bradford, Samantha Equiniones, Lisa Henderson, Gretchen Lara, Lori Rentas and Mark Sherman. Benajmin Ortiz, who is conducting an undergraduate research project through Midland College, also assisted.

MC student Suzanne Agnew (left) guides a  Midland youth on a tour “Inside the Human Body”
at the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum on Friday, July 20

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