Selasa, 01 Februari 2011


Ice and the uncoordinated definitely do NOT mix. Although starting my morning off with a swift slip and slide every few steps wasn't exactly what I was expecting, I must say this winter wonderland affect is a nice change for Midland. Of course my hopes were set on class being canceled, but now I just get to look forward to cuddling up on the couch with a nice cup of hot chocolate after a good day's work.
I have to admit it was a good thing my Kickboxing instructor had us run the mile around campus last week rather than this week, otherwise she would be stuck teaching a bunch of snowmen. It's crazy to think that this time yesterday I was wearing a sundress driving with the windows rolled down, and just a few short hours later a peek out the window showed a pure white snow covered lawn with more coming from the sky. I'm not complaining at all because it seems like in every class of mine, my teachers have decided to let us go early so we could travel safe. If that's the case I think the snow should come visit West Texas more often!!

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